created a series of games based on physical cards containing features that were based on scientific psychometrics and Jungian theory. The game cards were then used on a series of usability tests where I asked users to setup their deck. This allowed me to test how efficient the decks were in describing how people perceive themselves, as well as mechanics for things like the traits and rules like limiting the amount of cards.
The desk research covered over 130 psychometrics inventories and hundreds of correlation studies. This above is a quote of an study that proved a disconnection between Jungian theory and the MBTI, this study renders the MBTI as a bad insrtument to measure personality, citing numerous reasons for that and advising users of the model to disconnect it from Jungian references as it does not correctly represent Jungian theories. Recently the studies discrediting Myer Briggs' model were summarized in the book: The Personality Brokers: The Strange History of Myers-Briggs and the Birth of Personality Testing
One of the prototyping decks containing psychometric and Jungian based traits.